Having spent most of my childhood in the kitchen baking with my Mum and Gran, it’s no surprise that I wanted to turn my love for baking into a business.
I was always interested in baking and found that I loved to decorate what I had baked even more than the baking itself. Making cupcakes with my mum and decorating them with icing and sprinkles is one of my earliest and favorite memories from when I was a child.
I was 12 when I made my first decorated biscuits (what a disaster!) and decided then and there that I would never do it again. Instead I turned to cake decorating, making cakes for family and friends and joining my local sugar art club so that I could learn lots of new skills.
It wasn't until I left high school, having no clue what to do with my life after deciding not to go to university, that my family suggested I start my own business. After having another go at making decorated biscuits and six months of planning, The Biscuit Barn was up and running!
Towards the end of 2019, I started to build a kitchen in our garden that I could run the business from as I was starting to run out of space in the house! A few months later the cabin/kitchen was finished and The Biscuit Barn had a proper home!
Hopefully 2022 will hold even more exciting things for The Biscuit Barn so keep your eyes peeled!
Emma x